Stand Up Paddle In Denver, Colorado
- Written by Alex Mauer
- Published in News
DENVER, Colorado - Supconnect's Community Assistant, Alex Mauer, takes us on a virtual tour of Confluence Park, his local paddle haunt in downtown Denver.
Words by Alex Mauer
Right in the heart of Denver, Colorado, the Mile High City, you'll find a river paddler's paradise. To get here, you take the 23rd street exit from I-25. There is ample parking between Ocean Journey and REI - this is closest to the river.
Water quality
"I hope you got a hepatitis shot!" This is a common remark from people when they hear you paddle in the Platte. In all honesty, the water quality has vastly improved over the past 10-20 years. Cleanups are even organized annually to help maintain and increase water quality. I still wouldn't drink it, but it's safe for paddling. I am always trying to raise awareness about keeping the river clean.
Check out this brutal picture I captured - this is what happens when you leave your fishing line tangled in the trees.
The Spot
This spot is the perfect training ground for all paddlers, from beginners to experts - basically anyone looking to improve their river skills. You can run class 2 and 3 rapids while practicing eddying in and out and fairy from one side of the river to the other. You can also work on your river surfing skills, thanks to a few waves that break on different flows. The best part about this spot is that it runs pretty much year round - not what you'd expect from a place as cold as Colorado.
When playing on the river always make sure to have the right safety gear. You should never be without a helmet, PFD, river shoes, and pads! I have seen countless paddlers tear their shins up on this run. I get all my safety gear from, my boards from Glide SUP, and my shoes from Keen Footwear.
If you don't see me playing around feel free to give me a call. I would be stoked to come paddle with you! Drop me a line on the Supconnect Community.

Alex Mauer
Alex Mauer is a long-time Colorado resident who since the age of 12 has been riding the local river waves. More recently, he has enjoyed the wonders of stand up paddling and has become one of its most passionate advocates and representatives. Mauer is one of Supconnect's most active contributors and an avid representative of the sport in his area. He can be reached and befriended via his profile page on Supconnect.
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