
SUP & Performance Enhancing Drug Testing: Part 1




DANA POINT, California - At the Battle of the Paddle 2012, there was a sign seen hanging from one of the administrative tents which read, "The Battle of the Paddle will be testing for performance enhancing drugs in 2013".  It is very clear that those who organize the event are concerned enough about the possibility of this being a problem or becoming a problem in stand up paddle that they are already putting this process into place.


Competitive sports has a long history of use and abuse of performance enhancing drugs and although SUP is still fairly young, there is apparently a need to make sure that the sport maintains its innocence.  Just like parents who want to make sure that their teens are headed in the right direction, SUP race organizers are indicating their desire to keep the competition honest and fair.


At this point in time Supconnect is gathering data and information about the drug testing process specifically as it relates to SUP and how this will effect SUP racing and competitions world wide.  In the mean time, what do you want to know? What questions concern you with regard to performance enhancing drug testing and what are your initial thoughts on the topic?


Please leave your comments below and stay tuned for part two of this story.


Last modified onSaturday, 13 October 2012 11:34
Erin Blunt Robbins

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