Supconnect Photographer Profile: Aaron Goulding
- Written by Staff
- Published in Profiles
LA JOLLA, California - Supconnect talks with La Jolla-based photographer Aaron Goulding about his craft and preferences when it comes to shooting Stand Up Paddlers.
LA JOLLA, California - Aaron Goulding has spent the last six years carving a serious career for himself as a surf, SUP, travel and lifestyle photographer, adding color and unique images to an assortment of the biggest publications around the world. Based in La Jolla where he runs Jag Media Productions, he bides his time between photographing his beautiful homebreaks, celebrities and traveling around the world to shoot at some of the most beautiful destinations. This week we caught up with him to ask a handful of questions about his craft and preferences when it comes to shooting Stand Up Paddlers.
Supconnect: Where did you grow up and what inspired you to start taking photographs?
Aaron Goulding: I grew up in Orange County. Most of my close friends were either film makers or photographers at a very young age. My Dad owned a camera shop so I bought a camera from him - yes I bought it. Some Dad. He wasn't much in my life, so that would explain a lot. I was heavily inspired by photographers like Brian Beilman, Aaron Chang, "Flame", Jeff Divine and many more! Not to mention some friends of mine that were an inspiration, Scotty Carter, Taylor Amick, Joe Foster, Ron Romanosky and Jesse Okuda just to name a few.
Sean Poynter in a Puerto Beast
Supconnect: What's your go-to piece of camera equipment?
Aaron Goulding: Oh, I have two. For land and portraits I like the Nikon D700 for the full frame sensor. And for water I go for my Nikon D300s which has a high frame rate good for getting that crucial shot. Plus it has video capabilities which i like to use from the water now and again.
Aaron's home - La jolla, CA
Supconnect: Where is your favorite place to shoot and why?
Aaron Goulding: I love anywhere with Shorebreak preferably, but I like to shoot the SUP riders on big waves like "Killers" in Baja, Puerto Escondido, Punta Mita, Mavericks or anywhere that pumping!
Scott Chandler sets his line and aims for the white light
Supconnect: What elements are you looking for when it comes to shooting SUP riders and lifestyle scenes?
Aaron Goulding: think SUPing is a different type of art form. So I like to capture that essence, usually different backdrops or just plain large surf. Lifestyle scenes tend to always be unique with SUP riders I think because there is a different sense of adventure than regular surfing.
Supconnect: Do you have a favorite destination, athlete, time of day or subject to shoot?
Aaron Goulding: I Shoot a lot with Scott Chandler. Morning or late afternoons are preferable and pristine backdrops are nice if available.
Aaron captures the seriousness of timing your paddle-out at Puerto Escondido
Supconnect: Do you have an all-time favorite shot that stands out as your greatest accomplishment as a photographer?
Aaron Goulding: That's a tough one. I'm not sure if I can easily pin-point just one. I am pretty divers so I would have top break that up into categories. I do have at least one favorite per category. Water, Land, Air, Underwater, empty waves, portraits, lifestyles, and on and on.
*All images courtesy and ©Copyright of Aaron Goulding/ Jag Media Productions.

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