
5 Tips for Buying a Family SUP

Purchasing a stand up paddle board for your family can be a daunting experience. Paddle boards are expensive, and many people are afraid to make the wrong decision when buying a SUP. Keep these tips in mind during your shopping process to help you make the right purchase decision.

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SUP Fitness: How Many Calories Does Paddle Boarding Burn?

Standup paddle boarding can offer a fun and relaxing activity that mostly anyone can do, it is also one of the best workouts out there. People with all body shapes, sizes and ages are engaging in standup paddle boarding as a fun fitness activity. As many people have heard, standup paddle boarding is the best workout for a complete body workout. So, how many calories does paddle boarding burn? Find out here.

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10 Intermediate Tips For Organizing Great SUP Races

Learn how to take your event to the next level with a few extra steps. It’s important to note, however, that these extra steps can have a major impact on the overall success of your event, ranging from funding and attendance to promotion and beyond. All the steps below serve as a highly important layer to the 10 Basic Tips for Organizing SUP Races. So, here are the intermediate tips for sup race organizing in no particular order...

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How To Fix A Ding On Your Standup Paddle Board

Getting a ding on your paddle board is a bummer but it’s not the end of the world. Unless something catastrophic happens dings on your board should be relatively simple to fix. Here, BIC SUPs Jimmy Blakeney shows you how to repair fiberglass and plastic stand up paddle boards and surfboards.

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How to Install Fins on the Board

If you’ve never installed a fin into a stand up paddle board it can be a bit tricky to figure out. With screws and tools needed with most fin sets it can seem like a complicated process but fear not, the team at Pau Hana SUP have created a simple tutorial on how to install your fin. Here, Todd Caranto, board designer at Pau Hana, shows how to correctly install a fin and not lose the screw.

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How To Position A Fin On A SUP

So you know how to install your fin into your board but want to learn how to properly position the fin within the fin box? Todd from Pau Hana Surf Supply demonstrates how to properly position a fin on a stand up paddle board (SUP).

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Top Things to Know Before Trying Tandem SUP

Tandem SUP is for couples looking for time together, children who cannot use a solo paddleboard yet, or friends who want to dip their toes in the sport together! Here are 8 things to know before trying out tandem SUP!

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SUP Training Diet by Jeramie Vaine

We've been talking with Bark and NSP Athlete Jeramie Vaine about all aspects of his fitness regimen, from his paddle plan and SUP yoga routine, to his love for fishing and hiking. Next we wanted to hear about his guiding diet principles. Check out what he said below.

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How To Get Back On Your Paddle Board After Falling

Falling off of your paddle board is going to happen at some point or another when paddle boarding. It can be troublesome to get back on your SUP after falling if done incorrectly. Luckily, we have SUP expert Sean Poynter to help us with a few tips on how to get back up after we've fallen. 

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SUP Style: What to Wear on Your Next Outing

Paddle boarding provides an excellent way to exercise while soaking up the sun and enjoying the water. However, it isn’t as easy as it appears to those who watch from the shoreline. In order to ensure that you make the most of your time on the water, start your day off wearing the right thing.

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6 Ways To Help Speed Up Recovery While You Are Injured

Supconnect’s 2016 Woman of the Year, Seychelle Webster, was struck with an unfortunate injury to the ribs and has been working on her recovery over the past few weeks. We reached out to her to get her tips and advice on how you can help to speed up recovery while you’re injured to get you back on the water as soon as possible. Here’s what she said:

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