
Patent Pending Re'Leash Releasable SUP Leash



Mike Harvey explains the new patent pending Re'Leash

SALIDA, Colorado - As River SUP grows and becomes more popular, it also becomes ever more important to keep people safe and use appropriate equipment. ·That is why there is a patent pending, co-branded solution by Badfish SUP and their partners at Boardworks Surf for a new releasable, river specific SUP leash. 

River SUP in whitewater and rapids is an intense stand up paddle experience and can require a great deal of training, skill and river knowledge.  Experts who paddle these conditions tend to agree that using a leash can pose many hazards and problems while going down the river, such as entrapment or entanglement on rocks and debris.  Some even go so far as to say that it is more safe to not use a leash at all while on the river.  However, if using a leash is needed or desired then using one that can easily be released by the paddler is of utmost importance. 

This is exactly why Badfish SUP and their partners at Boardworks Surf are introducing the patent pending Re'Leash releasable SUP Leash.  While it uses a typical plug and cord system attachment to the tail of the board, it does not use an ankle or calf attachment to the paddler.  Instead, the Re'Leash attaches to a strap on the paddlers personal flotation device / PFD.   If problems arise in the water and it becomes necessary to separate from the board and leash, the paddler simply pulls down on a small canopy ball (located just inches from where the leash was attached to the PFD) which in turn opens a snap shackle allowing the individual to be freed from their equipment.   

Thanks to this new and innovative leash, Badfish and Boardworks are assisting paddlers to be even better prepared on the water.  Remember to always be safe and use caution while stand up paddling. ·Know the conditons and safety rules for your type of stand up paddling whether it be flat water, open ocean, surfing, river, or yoga.

The Re'Leash releasable sup leash will come in 6 ft and 9 ft lengths and will be available from local retailers soon.   

Have you ever been trapped or entangled by your leash on SUP?


Last modified onMonday, 23 March 2015 14:55