
SUP Foiling: What Paddle Should I Use?

Expert SUP foiler, Chuck Patterson riding the Naish Hover SUP 120. | Photo Courtesy: Naish Expert SUP foiler, Chuck Patterson riding the Naish Hover SUP 120. | Photo Courtesy: Naish

Foil surfing suspends you into the air. It's a crazy and unique feeling that is somewhere between flying and surfing. But do you need a longer paddle because you are surfing much higher in the air?

I often wondered this same question. So I asked one of the legends of the sport, Kai Lenny. I asked him on Instagram what size paddle he foils with. He replied that he uses the same size paddle he always uses. To me, this made a lot of sense because when you are up in the air flying you don't need to take any paddle strokes. With a normal size paddle you are able to paddle into the waves to get up to a flight. You can still use the paddle to brace on the wave for turning. Most importantly, you will be able to use your paddle while pumping through and into new waves.

slingshotPhoto via Slingshot

Its always best to do what you are most comfortable with. Feel free to play around with different length paddles. In the end everyone has to do what they feel like works the best. Personally, I don't see the need for any extra length. So I will continue to use the normal length I have always paddles with.

How has your experience foiling been? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Last modified onThursday, 31 October 2024 14:29
Alex Mauer

Alex Mauer is a long-time Colorado resident who since the age of 12 has been riding the local river waves. More recently, he has enjoyed the wonders of stand up paddling and has become one of its most passionate advocates and representatives. Mauer is one of Supconnect's most active contributors and an avid representative of the sport in his area. He can be reached and befriended via his profile page on Supconnect.

Website: /Mauer