
SUP Fitness: How Many Calories Does Paddle Boarding Burn?

Standup paddle boarding can offer a fun and relaxing activity that mostly anyone can do, it is also one of the best workouts out there. People with all body shapes, sizes and ages are engaging in standup paddle boarding as a fun fitness activity. As many people have heard, standup paddle boarding is the best workout for a complete body workout. So, how many calories does paddle boarding burn? Find out here.

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10 Intermediate Tips For Organizing Great SUP Races

Learn how to take your event to the next level with a few extra steps. It’s important to note, however, that these extra steps can have a major impact on the overall success of your event, ranging from funding and attendance to promotion and beyond. All the steps below serve as a highly important layer to the 10 Basic Tips for Organizing SUP Races. So, here are the intermediate tips for sup race organizing in no particular order...

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Best Stand Up Paddle Boards For Dogs

If you have been thinking about taking a weekend getaway to go paddleboarding with your canine friend, getting the best stand up board for dogs will be a great idea.

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How to Install Fins on the Board

If you’ve never installed a fin into a stand up paddle board it can be a bit tricky to figure out. With screws and tools needed with most fin sets it can seem like a complicated process but fear not, the team at Pau Hana SUP have created a simple tutorial on how to install your fin. Here, Todd Caranto, board designer at Pau Hana, shows how to correctly install a fin and not lose the screw.

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How To Do A Cross Bow Backside Turn On A Paddle Board

The Cross Bow backside turn should be in everybody's repertoire as it's a really functional maneuver because of its relatively quick execution and its support in down-the-line surfing. Here, Sean Poynter gives us a breakdown on how to properly execute the Cross Bow backside turn on a paddle board.

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How To Ride The Line On Your Stand Up Paddle Board

So you've gotten the hang of catching waves on your SUP and now you're ready to start riding the line of the wave. SUP Surf expert Sean Poynter gives us a tutorial on how to do so. Here are Sean's tips on how to ride the line:

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Top Things to Know Before Trying Tandem SUP

Tandem SUP is for couples looking for time together, children who cannot use a solo paddleboard yet, or friends who want to dip their toes in the sport together! Here are 8 things to know before trying out tandem SUP!

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5 Things To Make Your SUP Yoga Classes Covid Safe

How can we apply all these new regulations to SUP Yoga classes to ensure health and safety in the face of COVID19? It doesn’t matter whether you are a SUP Yoga enthusiast or a SUP Yoga teacher - here are five things to stay safe and healthy while on board!

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The Uniform for SUP Whitewater

River paddle boarding and especially whitewater SUP is a different beast, compared to other disciplines of stand up paddling such as SUP Yoga and SUP Surfing. Its influences are more from the kayak and rafting world. River hydrology is different than the coast, and there are different hazards. Also, the outerwear of kayakers is the uniform of river paddle boarders. Learn about the whitewater SUP uniform here...

  • Published in Gear

Paddle Boarding Tips From the Pros

At one point or another we've all been beginners to the sport of stand up paddling. As one of the world's fastest growing sports, paddle boarding is seeing more and more newcomers to the sport and every newcomer could use a few lessons and tips in the art of paddle boarding. We've talked to top pros in the sport and asked them to breakdown their top tips for beginners.

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How To Fuel Your Paddling Addiction When Injured

Being injured is a drag. It is something that we all go through at one time or another, professional athletes and weekend warriors alike. It's never something we plan for and it always seems to happen at the worst possible time. So what do you do when your body's got you down? Here are some tips and ideas to help fuel your paddling addiction no matter what your ailment might be.

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How to Find Stability for SUP Yoga

SUP Yoga guru Jessica Cichra recently released this awesome tutorial on how to find stability for SUP Yoga. Cichra uses Body Dialogue yoga principles to ground & build a strong foundation, then adds quick and easy warm ups to get you prepared for your SUP yoga practice. See her tips for finding stability here.

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