How To Install Side Bite Fins On A SUP
- Written by Todd Caranto
- Published in Tips
OAHU, Hawaii - With the help from Pau Hana’s Todd Caranto, learn how to properly install side bites into a fin box of a stand up paddle board.
Step 1:
Backout the nut from the side bite fin box, but not all the way, just enough so the fin can slide in without hanging on the screw nut.
Step 2:
Slide the fin into the back notch and lower the front in.
Step 3:
Tighten the screw so that it's snug but not too tight to prevent stripping.
Depending on the type of paddling you are planning on doing determines whether or not you need them. In the surf it will pull your board around and turn easier, and on flat water, it will keep you moving straighter. To see Todd put these steps into action watch the video below.
About Pau Hana
Pau Hana Surf Supply a leading designer and manufacturer of innovative stand up paddle boards for every SUP lifestyle. Pau Hana means the “Time after work” and it’s all about the spirit of play. We’re dedicated to the craft, to the sport, and to serving our customers with aloha.
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