SUP Tips: Nutrition & Recovery
- Written by Alex Mauer
- Published in Tips
DENVER, Colorado - There's a strong connection between eating and training in order to your minimize recovery rate between sessions and improve overall performance. Here we asked Top Supconnector, Alex Mauer, to break down his nutrition program and give us some tips on how to stay hydrated, nourished and keep progressing.
Photo via POP Board Co.
Words by Alex Mauer
As a professional stand up paddle athlete, one of the things you start to perfect over time is your nutrition program - especially since the motivation behind this is reaching your peak performance. It's not only about performance, though - you don't have to be a top elite athlete to feel the wear and tear that paddling puts on your body. SUP is one of the most physically and mentally demanding around, so you should pay close attention to Hydration, Supplements and Recovery to keep you performing at your peak level.
Photo via iRocker.
During a paddle it is easy to forget to hydrate. How often and what amount of liquid you should consume before during and after a workout depends on your own body - when it comes to nutrition, you always have to do what works best for you.
SUP is one of the most physically and mentally demanding around, so you should pay close attention to Hydration, Supplements and Recovery to keep you performing at your peak level.
I find that it works best for me to sip on about 8-12 oz of water on my way to paddle. If I don't finish it, I'll keep drinking after my workout or race. I always wear a hydration pack of some kind and make sure to sip on it frequently during a paddle or workout. I don't want to feel fatigued or really beat after I am finished - that's a sign that my body is dehydrated.
Photo via Surftech.
Supplements are important to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs to recover from your workout. A multi vitamin is essential. I personally don't like taking pills, so I make sure to juice a ton of fruits and veggies. This will help you get all the same vitamins and minerals a one a day will give you. I believe it is a better way to get them because it is right from the source.
A lot of people will tell you after a workout you need protein to speed your recovery. I agree and definitely feel better when I do this. Wthin 30 mins after your workout, I'll consume 8-12 grams of protein and somewhere close to 40 carbs. This will help your body maintain an anabolic state, optimizing the results from your workout. Sometimes I drink chocolate milk or I'll mix up a scoop of whey protein with some coconut water - another great way to hydrate.
Photo via SIC.
Paddling is such a repetitive motion - you may start to feel wear and tear in your shoulder joints. This is most likely inflammation from the motion. You can take some kind of anti inflammatory to help relieve the pain right away. Something that I have found that helps really well for long term is taking fish oils, which help promote healthy joints - personally I have noticed a tremendous improvement with how I feel. They are also really good for the brain. They are high is fatty acids which is what lines your brain and helps keep it healthy and protected.
As paddlers, we live such active lifestyles. It is important to remember to allow yourself enough time to recover. My tips above will help speed up the process - the rest is up to you. Also make sure you are getting enough sleep. If you start to feel a little over-trained or moody, take a day to yourself to relax and soak up some sunshine. Remember everyone's body is different and you have to do what works best for you!
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Alex Mauer
Alex Mauer is a long-time Colorado resident who since the age of 12 has been riding the local river waves. More recently, he has enjoyed the wonders of stand up paddling and has become one of its most passionate advocates and representatives. Mauer is one of Supconnect's most active contributors and an avid representative of the sport in his area. He can be reached and befriended via his profile page on Supconnect.
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